Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Nathan Myrvold of Intellectual Ventures - Modernist Cuisine

This guy is my cup of tea. Nathan Myhrvold left Microsoft after 14 years with some 100 Million USD in his pocket. So what do you do with an awful lot of money in your pocket? You start a Venture Hub.

Intellectual Ventures is an invention oriented Think Tank. However they do not focus on inventing with a certain commercial goal. They focus on scientific work and on inventing stuff that may or maybe not matter one day. The concept to problem solving the Myrvold-way is: dig out old patents, ideas, brilliant pieces of science and try to re-apply their use and functionality to modern life problems. Right, they are freaks, thats why Bill Gates pops by every now and then to see what is going on...Myhrvold used to be chief strategist and chief technology in Microsoft, so better keep in touch from time to time...

Lately they have come out with some stuff even I understand (better understand it completely rather than pulling the consultant, but understanding nothing about it...sorry I talk about 80% of all of you consultants out there, the later 20%: you rock!) and actually admire.

He published a book called "Modernist Cuisine" that features 2400 pages of modernist cuisine re-inventions, that in my opinion will become the next Larousse. A scientific bible for chefs all over the world. Check it out and watch the video of how he works on this years TED talk. It is fascinating how he uses non-conventional cooking gear like lasers, ultrasonic waves, or other rather to industrial production related tools to cook:

You see, I post this because I honestly think that re-inventing existing processes can actually revolutionize an industry that is thought to be very traditional like this one. Nothing is impossible if you break the right rules (he got slapped by a spanish winemaker for pouring his best reserva wine into a mixer) and experiment with new models, the right ingredients and believe in change.

So sometimes it does make sense to dig some more and to be a freak....there are plenty of forgotten things out there, or rules that need to be broken in order to have massive success. Pick them up and start these projects, they pay off well....

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